Eliminate little imperfections
Small chips, gaps, and stains put a damper on your confidence and oral health, and can drive you crazy. Dental bonding is a simple yet effective solution. Bonding involves applying a natural white composite resin directly to your teeth to cover your damaged tooth, hide imperfections, and provide a beautiful and durable smile.
Best of all, the entire treatment can be completed in just one easy visit.
Bonding can address a variety of minor concerns:
- A single discolored tooth
- Small gaps between teeth
- Little chips, cracks, or cavities
- Improperly shaped tooth
Bonding or Veneers?
Are bonding and veneers the same thing? At first glance, these treatments seem similar, but there are key differences.
Bonding is more affordable than veneers.
Bonding can be completed in just one appointment.
For more significant changes, veneers may be the better choice.
Therapeutic Treatments
Color Matching
Tooth Prep
What our patients say
Frequently Asked Questions
More questions? We’re ready to help. Give us a call at (02) 8677 1735 or book your free consultation now.